“Hormuz News” is a comprehensive electronic news newspaper. Its name, according to ancient Greek civilization, refers to (Hermes or Hermes), the god of trade, seas, and routes. He was the protector of caravans, herds, waterways, and seafarers. Therefore, “Hormuz” was the name of one of the most important waterways in the world, with the highest ship traffic in the Arabian Gulf region, within the territorial waters of the Sultanate of Oman, which oversees navigation in it. It was also known as the “Magical Eastern Gate.” Derived from this name, “Hormuz News” electronic newspaper is the magical eastern gate for truthful news and analyses without deception or hypocrisy. It will be the guardian of intellect, responsible for raising awareness, enhancing the value of giving, spreading knowledge, and providing meaningful journalism by adhering to neutrality and objectivity.
“Hormuz News” newspaper is one step in the constructive and purposeful media that supports the nation, stands by its citizens without deceit or hypocrisy, speaks with full transparency, and believes in everyone’s right to differ and express their opinions and ideas, as long as it is within the framework of the law and journalistic ethics, without infringing on the privacy of others.